Summer Reading Club is here!

The Summer Reading Club has finally begun! This year, readers are pledging to read at least 200 minutes this summer. Readers can track up to 800 minutes in total!

The Summer Reading Club is for ALL AGES! Sign-ups begin on June 1st and run through July 22nd. The link to sign up can be found here. You can register and track your minutes on the Beanstack app. You can also stop in to the Westside Library to get a paper reading log, if that's how you prefer to keep track of your reading. Reading logs are due on July 29th. 

We also have a number of library programs to attend. You do not need to register to come to any of these events. The teen programs are for teens only, but the other events can be attended by anyone. 

Come join us this summer! 

June Programs:

Thursday, June 8: Alcohol Ink Painting (Teens 12-18) at 4:30 PM

Friday, June 9: Movie at 2 PM.

Saturday, June 10: Face Painting at 2:30 PM

Thursday, June 15: Felt Emoji Plushies (Teens 12-18) at 4:30 PM

Friday, June 16: Father's Day Craft at 2 PM

Friday, June 16: Five for Brass Concert at 2 PM

Saturday, June 17: Amazing Adrian Magic Show at 2:30 PM

Thursday, June 22: Rainbow Friendship Bracelets (Teens 12-18) at 4:30 PM

Friday, June 23: Movie at 2 PM

Wednesday, June 28: Visit with Chico the Chihuahuas Mascot at 11 AM

Thursday, June 29: Sun Catchers (Teens 12-18) at 4:30 PM

Friday, June 30: Patriotic Craft at 2 PM


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